Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Ramlee terasa dirinya sedikit canggih malam ini untuk mencoretkan pemikiran kreatifnya di dalam bahasa yang agak intelektual.
Ramlee has done some reading and research and even case study on egotism which is the term have been several times pop up in Ramlee's head. This is due to the situation that Ramlee's been through lately. By giving a lot of thought about it, Ramlee now begin to see the big picture of the term and giving Ramlee a bit clue on handling this kind of 'ism'.
The term "egotism" is derived from the Latin ego, meaning "self" or "I", and -ism, used to denote a system of belief.
Egotism is 'characterized by an exaggerated estimate of one's intellect, ability, importance, appearance, wit, or other valued personal characteristics' is the drive to maintain and enhance favorable views of oneself.
'In egotism Ramlee find the person filled with an overweening sense of the importance and qualities of his personality...the things of the "Me"'. Egotism means placing oneself at the center of one's world with no concern for others, including those loved or considered as "close", in any other terms except those set by the "egotist".
Egotism is closely related to "loving one's self" or narcissism - indeed 'by egotism we may envisage a kind of socialized narcissism'. Egotists have a strong tendency 'to talk about themselves a great deal...in a self-important fashion'; and egotism may include 'a grandiose sense of self-importance...arrogant, boastful, conceited' and self-promoting even at the expense of others - 'refusing to recognize others for their accomplishments'. This conceit is a character trait describing a person who acts to gain values in an amount excessively greater than that which he/she gives to others. Egotism is often accomplished by exploiting the sympathy, irrationality or ignorance of others, as well as utilizing coercive force and/or fraud.
Egotism differs from both altruism - or acting to gain fewer values than are being given - and from egoism, the unremitting pursuit of one's one self-interest. Various forms of "empirical egoism" can be consistent with egotism, but 'egoistic behavior refers to actions that are primarily motivated by self-interest...without having an over-blown sense of self'.
Although 'no one really likes criticism because it shrinks our ego a bit',as a rule and in particular 'egotists do not take criticism well...sometimes display "narcissistic rage" in the face of criticism or insults'.
For the conclusions, egotism if we use correctly we will reach our goal comprehensively. BUT if we wanted to put this egotism online, we have to make sure one thing which is always been the hardest thing to performed; 'do not hurt the people inline'. To blend this 'ism' correctly with life is not like plug and play. It MUST be supported with integrity and cautiousness. If not we will be eaten alive by this 'ism'. And when this 'ism' reach the level of 'ness' there are no easy cure anymore.(Egotismness will be the next chapter).

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