Dear my fellow humans and aliens. I have something to say today. I say it in English not because I'm trying to improved my English or else. I'm afraid when I write it in malay, it will be a lot of F word well written. I use this language because I'm not good at it and it'll prevent me from writing those rubbish words. Well, here we go...
How do you choose to live your life? In a good way? or bad way? I know... everyone have their own way. someway that their happy with it. We knows that we are not alone in this universe.It would be soooo many ways out there. For those who are following others, thanks god, you're minimize the way. For those who has their own way, please... re-way it to fit the people and alien around you. If not, you just effecting the rest and the rest will not rest like forever, somehow someday you have to face the consequences.
What wrong with the way? Why suddenly it's the matter of way I rise up. You see, I've been seen so many ways in my life. That's what make my way... but things is, someone... who i would say "katak bawah tempurung" is questioning my way. What ever I do will be on his question mark. I know it's good to have someone like that, so you know what you are actually doing, but to question without thinking, without asking, without anything and directly jumping into the conclusion... that's not right. The way he applying is the way not trusting anyone. Let me ask something. Who are you without anyone else? You don't live alone, anyone has their own role to play. So, please.. stop the ridiculous way... you ask them for help yet you didn't trust them, they are there when you had the hard time yet you still don't trust them. please stop to talk bad about others in a ridiculous way. There are way when we can do that... but not in the regular way. Please stop spreading bad news about what is not bad, even it's bad... don't make it badder... Don't conclude everything from the start. You just make the things goes bigger. There is a way. Please... Stop the ridiculousness.. You just making your life horrible. And it's affecting ME! Please.. have faith and trust.. It's all I ask from you, you guys. peoples and aliens...
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