dlm mase 2 3 hari ni my boss keep telling me "start it right" for countless times. mmg aku phm, tp care penekanan tu buat aku nak berfikir kenape... sume org pun nak start it right kan? aku pun nak... tak payah la nak bagitau byk kali... ke tak? for a while i couldn't think much of it, lepas beberape ketika aku start to think. that's it!. skang aku dah paham ckit2... plan your work, work your work, get the result... simple kan? plan nak kene menyeluruh. identified setiap mslh n cara nak tackle mslh tu along with prevention. work your work plak work according to the plan. kene disiplin diri sndr sbb kt cni xde bos. get the result... hmmm... yg ni agak penat. by hook or crook... there must be a result. we have to make it happen... so plan yg paling menjerihkan... xleh smbil lewa... nak kerjakan plan tu senang... nak dptkan result tu lah yg menensyen kan... tp xpe... org lain bleh wat xkan aku xleh wat? hehehehe... so i have to start it right. plan it right. do what ever it takes... stay on course...
*bile la platform aku nak complete ni... byk mende xleh plan sbb tu... adoi...
amboi2 komitednya kamu!!!yeah..fokus2..uhuks...
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